Joint Press Release
16/08/2016Shortly after 4pm on Friday the 12th August, Borders and Coastguard agents carrying out routine
security screening with Explosive Trace Detectors identified what appeared to be a prohibited item.
The item was being carried as cabin baggage by a passenger. Checks of the passenger’s hold luggage
gave rise to similar concerns. In accordance with established protocols the Royal Gibraltar Police
was informed.
Following an investigation by RGP officers, which included consultation with subject matter experts,
it was determined that the suspect item and hold luggage had been very likely contaminated by a
substance with which the passenger had been legitimately in contact through his employment. The
passenger was later able to continue on his journey.
Commenting on the matter Commissioner Yome said: ”This is a good example of the close
cooperation between officers of the BCA and the RGP. We have a great working relationship on
both matters of immigration and of security. Both are essential in keeping Gibraltar and its
community safe in today’s world.”
Chief Executive of the Borders and Coastguard Agency Mr Andrew Bonfante echoed the
Commissioner's comments on the excellent and close cooperation that exists between both
organisations and highlighted the professionalism of his officers who undertake important duties at
the airport which, because of the sensitive nature of them, all too often go unnoticed.
Advice on what can be carried on board an aircraft can be found on the BCA's website